Monday, October 23, 2006

Time to Practice What I Preach.

Most fitness experts get really good at telling people what they should do to create significant changes in the way they look and feel, but few will actually lay it on the line and show the public what they can do for themselves.

Over the past year, the demands over my time from new business ventures, significant travel and family responsiblities have increased tremendously. In this case, I have to admit that I am human and have let my fitness level slip to a level that should be considered unacceptable for any legitimate fitness expert.

I have always been able to produce dramatic physique changes in my clients in a relatively short period of time provided that they are truly commited to making radical lifestyle changes for at least some duration. This short term, faster approach certainly isn't for everyone and it's not the safest, healthiest or easiest way to improve body composition, but it is fast.

Given that my typical lifestyle habits are very healthy and knowing that I will easily reclaim those habits at the conclusion of this program, I prefer to take the hard, fast road to shed this excess bodyfat aggressively over the next 4 weeks.

I've created a new blog specifically to share this experience with you at . On a daily basis, I will be sharing my personal experience.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Head on over to my personal fat loss blog and subscribe to the feed, you will be interested to see the methods I utilize and you may find some inspiration that will help spur you to make your own changes.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

If it's worth doing, It's worth doing every day

A few things worth doing every day:

** Move your body with a purpose.
- Some form of exercise or Joint Mobility (ZHealth)

** Eat real food

** Appreciate something or someone in your life.

** Read Something

Simple actions, taken daily, create extraordinary results.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Human Food Harmful to the Health of Animals

I found this sign on a picnic table in Yosemite National Park. It may be difficult to read in the picture, it reads:

Why is it bad to feed the animals?
Eating human food is not healthy for wildlife as their bodies don't adjust well to the salt, fat, and preservatives often found in our food. They gain weight, lose hair and become dependent on human food. In addition, predators, such as mountain lions, are attracted to areas with a concentration of well-fed squirrels and raccoons.

These words kind of smacked me right between the eyes....

Makes me ask the question; Does the human body really adjust well to the salt, fat and preservatives often found in human food?

Take a look at the people around you, it's likely you'll notice that many of them are gaining weight, losing their hair and becoming more dependent on larger amounts of "human" food.

Interesting, there has been a significant increase of mountain lion attacks on humans in recent years as well. (that may just be a coincidence)

Perhaps just as disturbing, this sign was paid for by a "donation" from the Coca-Cola Company which, of course, is prominently displayed on the sign. One of the worlds largest purveyors of processed "human" food donates to save the animals, with money raised by selling products that destroy the health of those that can actually pay for their products. (now that's just good marketing)

This one states that Human food will ruin their health and encourage unnatural behavior.

Perhaps we should take a lesson from those interested in preserving wildlife and make an effort to preserve our own healthy life.

Choose to eat foods that are closer to the way they would appear in the wild; lean meats, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts and avoid the processed "human" foods.

Eating more like nature intended will certainly help you avoid weight gain, hair loss, unnatural behavior and a number of other unexplainable ailments... it might even save you from being attacked by a mountain lion.

If you need help understanding exactly which foods will improve your well-being, check out my new eBook.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Enough Already! - athletic coaching

One of my staff members came in yesterday, for the third day in a row, looking absolutely exhausted. She runs on a cross country team at a local college and had just completed another of her coach's daily, 2 hour workouts.

Competitive cross country races at this level are a total of about three miles and typically take between 16 and 25 minutes to complete depending on the course.

Simple question... Why would you train athletes to run for 2 hours if the performance you're looking to improve takes less than 30 minutes?

Unfortunately, this is typical of current athletic coaching... even at a fairly elite level of athletics.

This is something that makes my blood just boil. We are trusting our young athletes to a community of coaches that either doesn't understand or doesn't care about how the human body actually works.

Here's my lesson for all of you today: The governing principle by which the body improves is known as the S-A-I-D principle. (Specific-Adaptation to-Imposed Demand) The body Adapts to exactly what you Demand of it very Specifically... and it's adapting all the time.

Your body gets better at whatever your doing, EXACTLY. If you try to create too great an adaptation too quickly, you get injured.

This is a simple concept, but coaches still don't seem to understand how to apply it.

If I run, grueling, 2 hour workouts, my athletes will become better at performing grueling 2 hour workouts.

Does that improve race performance? Not necessarily.

Does the excessive volume create increased chance of injury? DEFINITELY!

Bottom line... the type, volume and frequency of training should be directly related to increasing the performance of the event. THE PURPOSE OF ALL TRAINING SHOULD BE TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF THE EVENT WHILE MINIMIZING POTENTIAL FOR INJURIES.

Be aware of what's happening to your own body. Pain is one indicator that something's not right. Training should remain pain free. Other indicators of overtraining include: irregular appetite, poor sleep, lethargy, chronic illness (may seem like allergies), depression, declining athletic performance.

If you think your coach's workout program is excessive or inappropriate, talk to him about it. If that doesn't work, find another coach or look for other places to compete.

Regardless of your sport or level of competition, you are ultimately responsible for keeping your body healthy. A healthy, properly trained athlete is the only one capable of performing at the true peak of her potential.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Overuse Injuries in Teen Athletes

An article in the San Jose Mercury News this morning caught my attention "No pain, no gain taken literally by teen athletes as injuries rise"

As young athletes are being pushed harder to perform better in specialized sporting events, the prevalence of potentially debilitating overuse injuries is increasing at a near epidemic rate.

This is a significant problem that requires intervention from all parties involved, coaches, athletes, physicians and parents. Most coaches think the only way to improve an athletes performance is to do more repetitions, more work... The attitude "practice makes perfect" still prevails. Parents blindly let the coaches control the child's training, as that was likely the way they were coached. Physicians prescribe treatment for the injury, but rarely help the athlete address the cause of the injury. This all leaves the athlete in fear of losing ground in the competitive landscape, perpetuating the cycle.

The attitude needs to change. Replacing the outdated methodology of "hard work and repetition" to one of "healthy individualized development" will result in athletes that perform better and more consistently over the long term.

Coaches need to utilize methods for developing athletic skill with attention on; correct biomechanics, nervous system development, strength development and adequate recovery as pertaining to the sport, integrated with outside lifestyle demands of the athlete. It's not an easy shift, but we have trusted the development, health and competitive success of our youth to coaches that haven't had the opportunity to build the skills necessary to perform efficiently in today's environment. If we expect more of our coaches and encourage the use of new tools and techniques that may contradict our old world "common knowledge" beliefs, we can influence a rapid, significant improvement in the overall quality of youth athletics.

Young athletes are capable of performing at an elite level, with fewer incidents of injury when provided a truly integrated approach to training.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Information Overload

I just received an email from one a client telling me that he's again changed his mind about the objective of his training.

He's been reading more from the MMA (mixed martial art) community about the qualities required to be an effective competitor. A week ago he wanted to gain more muscle mass. Three weeks ago he had read an article about cardiovascular health and aerobic exercise and wanted to improve those qualities.

It's great that individuals have access to so many opportunities to educate themselves on virtually any subject imaginable. But at what point does more information just get in the way?

In terms of physical fitness, being properly informed is essential. However, in order to make any significant changes in one's physiology it's also necessary to stick with a consistent program for some period of time.

The unfortunate part of all the information available is that it's difficult to know what's actually true and what will be of productive use to the reader. Honestly when it comes to fitness research and information, it's very likely that you can find supporting information for almost any theory you're looking to prove.

As coaches, this presents us with the challenge of personally deciphering the information to advise a client in the most appropriate manner.

As a client, you have hired a coach and asked for professional advice to achieve your fitness objectives. Realize that your coach knows you personally and has taken into account your individual circumstances prior to suggesting anything. No magazine article or research study can say the same.

If you need help understanding why your coach has you doing something, ask her to provide you with supporting sources or explanations.

Trusting your coach and following the training prescription is your most direct path to the results you really want.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Just Do Something

I was recently referred to this site published by a woman with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.

I am inspired by the ways in which she actively addresses the problems looks at what can be done rather than what can't.

The site is entitled CFS or Fibromyalgia, and Exercise? You have got to be kidding!

Take a few minutes to read about her personal experience... While I may have different suggestions for ways to deal with the same problems, the fact that she has done something and shares the experience is remarkable.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Eat Whatever You Want.

Learn to want foods that nourish your body and provide clean sources of energy.

Think about why you really eat all of those high calorie, non-nutritious foods.... Is it because you want to have unstable energy levels? Do you want to continue gaining unhealthy amounts of body fat? Do you want to encourage the growth of disease within your body?

In reality, more of the poor food choices people make are because of habits rather than conscious thought about what they really want.

Learn to want nutrient dense, healthier foods and then Eat What You Want.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

"There's No Such Thing as Failure..... Just Results!"

Here's a principle you can live your life by.

Think about it.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

What's Holding You Back?

If you've never seen one of these before, it's a cow barrier.

This small grate is the only thing standing between herds of cattle and a world of freedom.

I understand that a cow can't really jump over the moon, but it's pretty hard to believe that a cow would be physically incapable of taking a leap of faith to cross this 2 foot grid.

In reality they are simply scared of crossing it.

Looking at one of these made me think about how many people I see that are being held within their own mediocre situation by some simple, insignificant barrier.

If anything about your life isn't the way you want it, chances are there is a small barrier that you need to cross. Sometimes they have been there so long that you don't even notice them anymore, but it's still holding you in your current pasture.

Take a few minutes to identify your barrier.

Then go ahead and cross it, just to see what's on the other side.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Happy Birthday, Lisa!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Stretch Like a Cat

I recently heard reference to a university study of cat behavior that showed that cats stretch between 150-250 times per day.

What the heck does this have to do with you?

This is interesting because numerous studies in humans have shown that stretching reduces the incidence of a bunch of problems including: arthritis, osteoporosis, loss of mobility, low energy, even depression and low self-esteem.

The background reference also indicates that cats have low rates of aging complications and tend to retain their strength, mobility, and energy through middle/advanced ages better than many other mammalian species.

Would you like to retain or improve your levels of strength, mobility and energy as you advance in age?

If you've ever watched "fluffy" for any period of time you may have noticed that he stops to move his joints through a full range of motion nearly every time he gets up. Either stretching out through the paws or arching and extending his back, yawning.

He never takes a break for 15 minutes of stretching, but he moves every joint in his body at some point in the day without too much extra effort.

Give the cat's method of stretching a shot. You don't have to schedule it in, or sign up for a class. Just think about it and start today.

Every time you get up today (or any time you think about it) move an area of your body through it's full range of motion. This could be as simple as a couple of head tilts or full extension of your arms and hands. Simple movements could easily add up to 100+ times a day.

Without too much effort you will find yourself with more energy, greater mobility and a significantly reduced chance of injury.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Do we know how to Run?

Why do so many avid runners end up injured from this activity that they love so much?

This has been a question that I have been content to answer with something as simple as "don't run". I really haven't been much of a fan of running as a form of exercise given the number of injuries I've seen as a direct result of distance running.

Lately I've been thinking more about running..... There has to be a better way.

If the human body was designed to run, then we should be able to do it without getting injured.

The thought started when I looked at a picture of an American ultra-marathon runner in stride next to a Mexican Indian runner. I noticed that the American was wearing cushioned running shoes with his heel ready to hit the ground. The Mexican, in contrast, was wearing sandals (nothing more than leather soles tied to his feet)and in his very relaxed stride his foot was poised to strike the ground on his forefoot.

Which one was more efficient?

I found that there is a small movement of runners and scientists that are advocating a forefoot running style. The most prevalent of the bunch seems to be Dr. Nicolas Romanov's "Pose Method" that teaches what appears to be a very efficient technique for distance runners. A google search on "forefoot running" will also yield a number of very interesting articles and debates.

My initial opinion is that the forefoot technique is a far better option for the body.

One of the best indicators in my mind is to take a look at the shoes:

A typical heel strike runner needs a heavily cushioned shoe that absorbs the shock of each stride and supports the muscles, joints and tendons of the foot.

The flatter,very flexible, lightly cushioned shoe of a forefoot runner (think of track shoes), allow the muscles, and joints of the foot to dissipate force and manage the load of each stride, utilizing the appropriate amount of muscle activation throughout the kinetic chain to actually adapt to the activity.

Bottom line, the foot works the way it was designed in conjunction with the body in a forefoot stride, while a heel strike stride utilizes the compensations of a shoe to make distance running possible.

As I have been playing with this myself, something else about a forefoot running technique that I have noticed..... It's going to take more time to adapt to running long distances. The small muscles in the feet and lower legs need to be strengthened and thus, won't allow for putting in much more distance than you are ready for. This more gradual addition of volume should prove more appropriate for the body and keep the process injury free.

Perhaps we simply need to take the time to learn the right way for each of our bodies to run. Running is one of the few activities that we tend to be pushed into practicing with more and more volume over a lifetime, without ever getting any coaching or instruction on doing it right. Practice does not necessarily make perfect.

This may be more of a question than an answer at this point, but take some time to think about it. There may be a way to run for a lifetime without pain or injury.

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

Take time today to appreciate the opportunities and freedom that you have available to you.

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles... but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."


Continuing to be dependent on the past or the future, we cannot fully recognize the independence we have worked so hard to attain.

Live Today!

Experts Debate Labeling Children Obese

CHICAGO -- Is it OK for doctors and parents to tell children and teens they're fat? That seems to be at the heart of a debate over whether to replace the fuzzy language favored by the U.S. government with the painful truth -- telling kids if they're obese or overweight. Read the Full Article Here

This is getting out of control... I am very particular about the words we use and the ways in which they effect our quality of life. But, the use of more "politically correct" words to soften a serious situation or spare the feelings of someone that has put himself in that bad situation, is not solving anything.

Obesity is a problem. It's not too many years ago that activists fought to classify obesity as a disease. The good news about this disease is that it has a number of very effective treatments and cures.

Have you ever heard arguments over weather to tell kids they have cancer? "Maybe we shouldn't call it cancer, because cancer sounds like a mean word" It's ridiculous!

If someone is diagnosed with cancer, they are told honestly, given treatment options and then, in most cases, fight like hell to beat the disease.

Obesity should be dealt with in exactly the same way. If it's a disease, it should be diagnosed honestly, treatment options clearly explained and then fight like hell to get better.

Here's the big difference: If you're diagnosed with cancer and sit around feeling sorry for yourself, you usually get painfully sick and die fairly quickly.

If you're diagnosed with obesity and sit around feeling sorry for yourself, you can continue to live a relatively normal life until you develop other problems as a result of the obesity, which may be years down the road.

In terms of diseases, obesity is a pretty good deal. If it were approached like any other disease and fought with real commitment, it can be cured and many of it's adverse affects can actually be reversed.

We really need to stop tip toeing around this obesity epidemic and start treating it like the problem that it is. Let's be honest about it and fight like hell to make ourselves and our kids better.